After graduating from Texas State University in 2004 with a degree in Exercise Physiology, I began my fitness career in Houston, training at the big-name gyms. It didn't take me long to realize that globo-gyms are the opposite of fun and effective, and that there had to be something else out there that combined lifting weights and enjoying my job.
I found CrossFit in 2009, and for five years I coached and built a solid framework of knowledge and fitness. I saw a need for a specialized training group for women only; my goal was to provide women with a safe, judgement free, non competitive arena to lift weights, get stronger and more skilled, and enjoy the company of other awesome women. I started with three women, and LIFT has grown to over fifty five women in 2017.
I attended every certification I could afford, but found my passion in one in particular: Zach Even-esh's "Undergound Strength Coach" certification. He opened my eyes to real garage-gym training, lifting with whatever you could get your hands on; tires, chains, sleds, and ropes. I was blown away by Underground Strength, and in 2012 LIFT's focus switched to a Strongman base.
With a clear vision for the future of LIFT, I teamed up with Travis Holley to open Travis County Strength in December of 2013.
Fast forward to 2024 and the need for a women’s only program is felt, it’s heard and now it will be seen.
Welcome back to the safest place to workout.
MY credentials
Underground Strength Coach/Instructor
Hybrid Athletics Strongman Instructor
USAW- USA Weightlifting
USA Track and Field Certified Coach
Precision Nutrition Certification
Working Against Gravity Nutrition Level 1
School of Rehabilitation - DNS Certified Level 1
Certified Birthfit Coach
AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
B.S. Exercise Science
2011 Crossfit Regional Competitor
2010 CrossFit Games Individual Competitor, 26th place
2009 CrossFit Games Team Competitor, 2nd place